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Northern Crystal1988 - 4
Crystal Glitters1980 - 2
Blushing Groom1974 - 22
Red God (1954) - 8
Runaway Bride (1962) - 22
Tales To Tell1967 - 2
Donut King (1959) - 1
Fleeting Doll (1961) - 2
North Cliff1982 - 4
Green Dancer1972 - 16
Nijinsky II (1967) - 8
Green Valley (1967) - 16
Nenana Road1970 - 4
Kirkland Lake (1961) - 1
Sena (1951) - 4
Nile Palace1985 - 1
Crystal Palace1974 - 10
Caro1967 - 3
Fortino II (1959) - 4
Chambord (1955) - 3
Hermieres1958 - 10
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Vieille Pierre (1951) - 10
Neomenie1978 - 1
Rheffic1968 - 4
Traffic (1961) - 5
Rhenane (1961) - 4
Nordenburg1965 - 1
Birkhahn (1945) - 1
Niederjagd (1955) - 1
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