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Jitterbug Chief1982 - 11
Sovereign Dancer1975 - 5
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Bold Princess1960 - 5
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Grey Flight (1945) - 5
Need No Proof1973 - 11
Prove It1957 - 2
Endeavour II (1942) - 8
Time To Khal (1950) - 2
Sheer Toni1964 - 11
Antonio Canale (1946) - 4
Amsheer (1950) - 11
Orange Souffle1979 - 4
Ramirez1971 - 22
T V Lark1957 - 9
Indian Hemp (1949) - 14
Miss Larksfly (1948) - 9
Dance Fan1960 - 22
Dedicate (1952) - 23
Evening Belle (1945) - 22
Rise In Glory1975 - 4
Hill Rise1961 - 1
Hillary (1952) - 17
Red Curtain (1953) - 1
Gloria S1964 - 4
New Policy (1957) - 20
Maid Of Glory (1954) - 4
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