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Ribocco1964 - 4
Ribot1952 - 4
Tenerani1944 - 6
Bellini (1937) - 2
Tofanella (1931) - 6
Romanella1943 - 4
El Greco (1934) - 14
Barbara Burrini (1937) - 4
Libra1956 - 4
Hyperion1930 - 6
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Selene (1919) - 6
Weighbridge1945 - 4
Portlaw (1928) - 8
Golden Way (1937) - 4
Vertical1964 - 1
Vertex1954 - 14
The Rhymer1938 - 14
St Germans (1921) - 16
Rhythmic (1931) - 14
Kanace1945 - 14
Case Ace (1934) - 1
Kanlast (1940) - 14
Best Side1952 - 1
Better Self1945 - 20
Bimelech (1937) - 1
Bee Mac (1941) - 20
Belle Of Troy1947 - 1
Blue Larkspur (1926) - 8
La Troienne (1926) - 1
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