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Farallon P1990 - 8
Fappiano1977 - 16
Mr Prospector1970 - 13
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Gold Digger (1962) - 13
Killaloe1970 - 16
Dr Fager (1964) - 1
Grand Splendor (1962) - 16
Sheer Ice1982 - 8
Cutlass1970 - 5
Damascus (1964) - 8
Aphonia (1962) - 5
Hey Dolly A1974 - 8
Ambehaving (1954) - 4
Swift Deal (1969) - 8
Lady Singer2000 - 1
Laubali1991 - 16
Fair To All1986 - 16
Al Nasr (1978) - 4
Gonfalon (1975) - 16
Singer1986 - 1
Stallion1977 - 2
Tan Pronto (1972) - 2
Dignisima (1956) - 2
Simper1978 - 1
Recupere (1970) - 1
Scott's Sari (1971) - 1
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