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Palace Music1981 - 13
The Minstrel1974 - 8
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Fleur1964 - 8
Victoria Park (1957) - 10
Flaming Page (1959) - 8
Come My Prince1972 - 13
Prince John1953 - 14
Princequillo (1940) - 1
Not Afraid (1948) - 14
Come Hither Look1962 - 13
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Mumtaz (1954) - 13
Myra's Best1980 - 19
Pampapaul1974 - 8
Yellow God1967 - 9
Red God (1954) - 8
Sally Deans (1947) - 9
Pampalina1964 - 8
Bairam (1955) - 5
Padus (1955) - 8
Matcher1966 - 19
Match1958 - 16
Tantieme (1947) - 20
Relance (1952) - 16
Lachine1960 - 19
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Loved One (1947) - 19
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