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New Warrior1851 - 24
Pyrrhus I1843 - 3
Epirus1834 - 13
Langar (1817) - 6
Olympia (1815) - 13
Fortress1836 - 3
Defence (1824) - 5
Jewess (1827) - 3
Colocynth1840 - 24
Physician1829 - 21
Brutandorf (1821) - 11
Primette (1820) - 21
Camelina1823 - 24
Whalebone (1807) - 1
Selim Mare (24) (1812) - 24
Ida1861 - 18
Vanguard1849 - 5
Aether1836 - 1
St Patrick (1817) - 4
Pastille (1819) - 1
The Gigler1837 - 5
Tomboy (1829) - 8
Duchess Of York (1817) - 5
Io1855 - 18
Sir Hercules1843 - 3
Cap-A-Pie (1837) - 5
Paraguay (1835) - 3
Flora McIvor???? - 18
Rous' Emigrant (1822) - 4
Cornelia (1825) - 18
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