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Maximum1899 - 13
Chalet1887 - 12
Beauminet1877 - 6
Flageolet (1870) - 6
Beauty (1865) - 6
The Frisky Matron1879 - 12
Cremorne (1869) - 2
Mayfair (1872) - 12
Urgence1884 - 13
Dollar1860 - 1
The Flying Dutchman (1846) - 3
Payment (1848) - 1
Promise1869 - 13
Monarque (1852) - 19
Mlle De Chantilly (1854) - 13
Oussouri1902 - 4
Chesterfield1888 - 2
Wisdom1873 - 7
Blinkhoolie (1864) - 10
Aline (1862) - 7
Bramble1874 - 2
See Saw (1865) - 6
Sylva (1866) - 2
Reve D'Or1884 - 4
Hampton1872 - 10
Lord Clifden (1860) - 2
Lady Langden (1868) - 10
Queen Of The Roses1869 - 4
Sundeelah (1861) - 27
Couleur De Rose (1858) - 4
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