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By The Sea1868 - 10
Thormanby1857 - 4
Windhound1847 - 3
Pantaloon (1824) - 17
Phryne (1840) - 3
Alice Hawthorn1838 - 4-f
Muley Moloch (1830) - 9
Rebecca (1831) - 4
Bernice1858 - 10
Stockwell1849 - 3
The Baron (1842) - 24
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Braxey1849 - 10
Moss Trooper (1839) - 18
Queen Mary (1843) - 10-a
Lady Washington1872 - 20
Woodburn1861 - 6
Lexington1850 - 12
Boston (1833) - 40
Alice Carneal (1836) - 12
Heads I Say1851 - 6
Glencoe (1831) - 1
Heads Or Tails (1831) - 6
Peggy Ringgold1860 - 20
Ringgold1842 - 4
Flirtilla (1828) - 4
Little Peggy1847 - 20
Cripple (1836) - 4
Peggy Stewart (1824) - 20
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