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Lunchtime1970 - 7
Silly Season1962 - 1
Tom Fool1949 - 3
Menow (1935) - 8
Gaga (1942) - 3
Double Deal II1946 - 1
Straight Deal (1940) - 1
Nonats (1937) - 1
Great Occasion1965 - 7
Hornbeam1953 - 1
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Thicket (1947) - 1
Golden Wedding1959 - 7
Sunny Brae (1948) - 3
Flighty Falls (1952) - 7
Paris Lass1969 - AU
Raimondo1964 - 4
Grey Sovereign1948 - 6
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Kong (1933) - 6
Ranavalo1954 - 4
Relic (1945) - 8
Navarra (1948) - 4
Mustapha1961 - AU
Edmundo1953 - 4
Owen Tudor (1938) - 10
Weighbridge (1945) - 4
Alouette1950 - AU
High Caste (1936) - 18
Sweet And Low (1942) - AU
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