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Drawn1982 - 13
Star Shower1976 - 8
Star Of Heaven1961 - 2
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Magic Symbol (1956) - 2
Show1970 - 8
Novalis (1959) - 4
Covent Garden (1965) - 8
Penny Draw1976 - 13
Idomeneo1960 - 2
Alycidon (1945) - 1
Arietta (1953) - 2
Long Draw1964 - 13
Pipe Of Peace (1954) - 22
Midwise (1945) - 13
Pictorial1980 - 7
Illustrious Prince1973 - 1
Le Levanstell1957 - 7
Le Lavandou (1944) - 4
Stella's Sister (1950) - 7
Royal Saint1964 - 1
Saint Crespin (1956) - 22
Bleu Azur (1959) - 1
Kilberry Candice1970 - 7
Tour Du Monde1958 - 13
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Tour De Londres (1953) - 13
Above All1965 - 7
Better Boy (1951) - 2
Candice (1958) - 7
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