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Demosthenes1907 - 5
Desmond1896 - 16
St Simon1881 - 11
Galopin (1872) - 3
St Angela (1865) - 11
L'Abbesse De Jouarre1886 - 16
Trappist (1872) - 1
Festive (1877) - 16
Carlin1896 - 5
Chittabob1886 - 20
Robert The Devil (1877) - 1
Jenny Howlet (1877) - 20
Lauretta1883 - 5
Petrarch (1873) - 10
Ambuscade (1875) - 5
Equitas1905 - NZ
Advance1896 - NZ
Vanguard1879 - 2
Traducer (1857) - 20
En Avant (1873) - 2
Laurel1879 - NZ
Young Gownsman (1868) - 17
Bay Leaf (1867) - +
Muriwai1888 - NZ
Torpedo1881 - 12
Musket (1867) - 3
Fanny Fisher (1865) - 12
Mystery Girl1868 - NZ
Peter Flat (1853) - 1
Sybil (1855) - C20
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