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Great Palm1989 - 9
Manila1983 - 16
Lyphard1969 - 17
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Goofed (1960) - 17
Dona Ysidra1975 - 16
Le Fabuleux (1961) - 13
Matriarch (1964) - 16
Hat Tab Girl1979 - 9
Al Hattab1966 - 7
The Axe II (1958) - 1
Abyssinia (1953) - 7
Desperate Action1971 - 9
Bold Commander (1960) - 8
Crafty Alice (1964) - 9
Garmeritte1986 - 12
Garde Royale1980 - 16
Mill Reef1968 - 22
Never Bend (1960) - 19
Milan Mill (1962) - 22
Royal Way1969 - 16
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Right Away (1963) - 16
Salamba1971 - 12
Salvo1963 - 16
Right Royal (1958) - 3
Manera (1957) - 16
Tradsville1962 - 12
Mossborough (1947) - 6
Tradition (1947) - 12
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