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Dash O' Pleasure1978 - 5
Foolish Pleasure1972 - 14
What A Pleasure1965 - 5
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Grey Flight (1945) - 5
Fool-Me-Not1958 - 14
Tom Fool (1949) - 3
Cuadrilla (1943) - 14
Dashing Diana1966 - 5
Vertex1954 - 14
The Rhymer (1938) - 14
Kanace (1945) - 14
Our Tribe1956 - 5
Tribe (1950) - 12
Dashing (1951) - 5
Ngaire's Pride1976 -
Fire King1965 - 8
Floribunda1958 - 1
Princely Gift (1951) - 13
Astrentia (1953) - 1
Belle Affaire1960 - 8
Elopement (1951) - 21
V C (1950) - 8
Wild Thyme1968 - 6
Track Spare1963 - 3
Sound Track (1957) - 3
Rosy Myth (1958) - 3
Lustre1960 - 6
Hugh Lupus (1952) - 19
Crayke (1949) - 6
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