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Timeless Moment1970 - 16
Damascus1964 - 8
Sword Dancer1956 - 1
Sunglow (1947) - 2
Highland Fling (1950) - 1
Kerala1958 - 8
My Babu (1945) - 1
Blade Of Time (1938) - 8
Hour Of Parting1963 - 16
Native Dancer1950 - 5
Polynesian (1942) - 14
Geisha (1943) - 5
Sweet Sorrow1956 - 16
Count Fleet (1940) - 6
Athene (1943) - 16
Irish Action1983 - 11
Irish Tower1977 - 2
Irish Castle1967 - 8
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Castle Forbes (1961) - 8
Royal Loom1971 - 2
Loom (1962) - 1
Abrogate (1960) - 2
Between The Axe1965 - 11
The Axe II1958 - 1
Mahmoud (1933) - 9
Blackball (1950) - 1
Tanbrook1956 - 11
Brookfield (1942) - 19
Ragatan (1948) - 11
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