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Ballydonnell1952 - 2
Ballyogan1939 - 2
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Lady Juror (1919) - 9
Serial1932 - 2
Solario (1922) - 26
Booktalk (1926) - 2
O'Donnell1941 - 2
Phideas1934 - 26
Pharos (1920) - 13
Imagery (1923) - 26
Louise1932 - 2
Finglas (1923) - 14
Devonshire House (1924) - 2
Prom Queen1952 - 4
Education1944 - 4
Ariel1925 - 23
Eternal (1916) - 8
Adana (1908) - 23
Faculty1936 - 4
Swift And Sure (1923) - 1
Talented (1929) - 4
Fair Dolores1939 - 4
Spanish Play1928 - 4
Spanish Prince (1907) - 16
Anna Horton (1921) - 4
Morning Fair1931 - 4
Midway (1914) - 10
Mammon (1920) - 4
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