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Persian Lyric1957 - 2
Persian Book1943 - 8
Pherozshah1934 - 9
Pharos (1920) - 13
Mah Mahal (1928) - 9
Belleheim1937 - 8
Blenheim II (1927) - 1
Overmist (1927) - 8
Lyrical Lass1947 - 2
St Andrew1937 - 1
Gay Lothario (1923) - 4
Andromeda (1930) - 1
Gozoni1938 - 2
Lo Zingaro (1931) - 4
Whistle (1931) - 2
Gipsy Mark1951 - 3
Tidemark1939 - 1
Wychwood Abbot1931 - 42
The Black Abbot (1926) - 9
Sweet Hainault (1921) - 42
Clamella1933 - 1
Buchan (1916) - 16
Palmella (1917) - 1
Gipsy Lady1941 - 3
Le Grand Duc1934 - 5
La Douairiere (1924) - 5
Gipsy Princess1933 - 3
Gipsy Love (1925) - 3
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