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Best By Test1982 - 8
Best Turn1966 - 23
Turn-To1951 - 1
Royal Charger (1942) - 9
Source Sucree (1940) - 1
Sweet Clementine1960 - 23
Swaps (1952) - A4
Miz Clementine (1951) - 23
Pom Pom1969 - 8
Fleet Nasrullah1955 - 23
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Happy Go Fleet (1950) - 23
Fly Trap1959 - 8
Mahmoud (1933) - 9
Flyweight (1942) - 8
Princess Padina1973 - 4
St Paddy1957 - 14
Aureole1950 - 2
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Angelola (1945) - 2
Edie Kelly1950 - 14
Bois Roussel (1935) - 16
Caerlissa (1935) - 14
Russian Princess1964 - 4
Henry The Seventh1958 - 12
King Of The Tudors (1950) - 19
Vestal Girl (1948) - 12
Nagaika1954 - 4
Goyama (1943) - 2
Naim (1946) - 4
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