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Pursuit Of Love1989 - 1
Groom Dancer1984 - 14
Blushing Groom1974 - 22
Red God (1954) - 8
Runaway Bride (1962) - 22
Featherhill1978 - 14
Lyphard (1969) - 17
Lady Berry (1970) - 14
Dance Quest1981 - 1
Green Dancer1972 - 16
Nijinsky II (1967) - 8
Green Valley (1967) - 16
Polyponder1974 - 1
Barbizon (1954) - A34
Second Thought (1960) - 1
Reine De Thebes1987 - 2
Darshaan1981 - 13
Shirley Heights1975 - 1
Mill Reef (1968) - 22
Hardiemma (1969) - 1
Delsy1972 - 13
Abdos (1959) - 1
Kelty (1965) - 13
Reine D'Egypte1981 - 2
Val De L'Orne1972 - 11
Val De Loir (1959) - 5
Aglae (1965) - 11
Reine De Saba1975 - 2
Sirya (1967) - 2
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