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Raison D'Etat2008 - 23
A P Indy1989 - 3
Seattle Slew1974 - 13
Bold Reasoning (1968) - 1
My Charmer (1969) - 13
Weekend Surprise1980 - 3
Secretariat (1970) - 2
Lassie Dear (1974) - 3
Sightseek1999 - 23
Distant View1991 - 16
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Seven Springs (1982) - 16
Viviana1990 - 23
Nureyev (1977) - 5
Nijinsky Star (1980) - 23
Revenue2008 - 9
Exchange Rate1997 - 7
Danzig1977 - 7
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Pas De Nom (1968) - 7
Sterling Pound1991 - 7
Seeking The Gold (1985) - 5
Spectacular Bev (1984) - 7
Truely It Is1995 - 9
Is It True1986 - 3
Raja Baba (1968) - 3
Roman Rockette (1977) - 3
Fern Creek1981 - 9
Crimson Falcon (1970) - 10
Crimson Belle (1964) - 9
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