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River Of Light1987 - 1
Irish River1976 - 1
Riverman1969 - 10
Never Bend (1960) - 19
River Lady (1963) - 10
Irish Star1960 - 1
Klairon (1952) - 1
Botany Bay (1954) - 1
Boreale1981 - 1
Bellypha1976 - 16
Lyphard (1969) - 17
Belga (1968) - 16
Princesse Tora1967 - 1
Prince Taj (1954) - 9
Torbella (1955) - 1
Dark Swirl1990 - 20
Zip Home1982 - 13
Zephyr Zip1976 - 24
Zephyr Bay (1970) - 22
Corso (1971) - 24
Homely Girl1976 - 13
Home Guard (1969) - 4
Caplein (1969) - 13
Throw Over1971 - 20
Brambles1960 - 4
Beau Max (1947) - 20
Flower Bed (1946) - 4
Turn Out1956 - 20
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Mac Bea (1950) - 20
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