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King Of The Jungle1940 - 1
Sir Walter Raleigh1928 - 21
Prince Galahad1917 - A13
Prince Palatine (1908) - 1
Decagone (1911) - A13
Smoke Lass1921 - 21
Black Jester (1911) - 1
Simon Lass (1909) - 21
Sonninia1923 - 1
Sonning1915 - 1
Sunder (1907) - 10
Rose Of Ayrshire (1905) - 1
Bushey Belle1900 - 1
Bushey Park (1889) - 1
Lady Atheling (1890) - 1
Tullymurry1935 - 8
Lembirch1920 - 16
Lemberg1907 - 10
Cyllene (1895) - 9
Galicia (1898) - 10
Apparel1910 - 16
Chaucer (1900) - 1
Caparison (1900) - 16
Tully Lass1923 - 8
Tullyfoyle1909 - 3
Chaleureux (1894) - 15
Atlanta (1897) - 3
Sacabuche1913 - 8
Evicted (1904) - 20
Sackbut (1906) - 8
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