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Octagon1894 - 16
Rayon D'Or1876 - 3
Flageolet1870 - 6
Plutus (1863) - 15
La Favorite (1863) - 6
Araucaria1862 - 3
Ambrose (1849) - 16
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Ortegal1889 - 16
Bend Or1877 - 1
Doncaster (1870) - 5
Rouge Rose (1865) - 1
Lizzie Agnes1878 - 16
Macaroni (1860) - 14
Polly Agnes (1865) - 16
Lady Rosemary1891 - 4
St Blaise1880 - 22
Hermit1864 - 5
Newminster (1848) - 8
Seclusion (1857) - 5
Fusee1867 - 22
Marsyas (1851) - 12
Vesuvienne (1847) - 22
Lady Primrose1884 - 4
The Ill-Used1870 - 18
Breadalbane (1862) - 10
Ellermire (1852) - 18
Lady Rosebery1878 - 4
Kingfisher (1867) - 12
Lady Blessington (1861) - 4
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