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Kreisler1982 - 9
Northern Baby1976 - 17
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Two Rings1970 - 17
Round Table (1954) - 2
Allofthem (1964) - 17
Klairessa1969 - 9
Klairon1952 - 1
Clarion (1944) - 1
Kalmia (1931) - 1
Courtessa1955 - 9
Supreme Court (1948) - 14
Tessa Gillian (1950) - 9
Ruakiwi Joy1978 - 8
Mussorgsky1974 - 6
Tudor Melody1956 - 1
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Matelda (1947) - 1
Enticement1957 - 6
Infatuation (1951) - 16
Zanzara (1951) - 6
Teina Mana1975 - 8
All A'Light1963 - 1
Major Portion (1955) - 8
Queen Of Light (1949) - 1
Lady Teina1970 - 8
Resurgent (1950) - 10
Fair Miss (1951) - 8
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