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Forceten1972 - 4
Forli1963 - 3
Aristophanes1948 - 9
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Commotion (1938) - 9
Trevisa1951 - 3
Advocate (1940) - 4
Veneta (1940) - 3
She's Beautiful1964 - 4
On-And-On1956 - 23
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Two Lea (1946) - 23
In The Act1960 - 4
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Infatuation (1953) - 4
Redifusion1973 - 7
Restless Wind1956 - 5
Windy City II1949 - 14
Wyndham (1933) - 2
Staunton (1940) - 14
Lump Sugar1944 - 5
Bull Lea (1935) - 9
Sugar Run (1936) - 5
Sittin' On Ready1961 - 7
Endeavour II1942 - 8
British Empire (1937) - 3
Himalaya (1931) - 8
Guide Line1955 - 7
Lurline B (1945) - 7
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