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Hastings1879 - AU
Wilberforce1868 - 3
Oxford1857 - 12
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Honey Dear (1844) - 12
Corsica1861 - 3
Newminster (1848) - 8
Pauline (3) (1851) - 3
Carlotta1867 - AU
Yelverton1861 - 5
Gemma Di Vergy (1854) - 20
Deceptive (1845) - 5
Waterloo Mare1849 - AU
Waterloo (1821) -
Scratch Mare (1842) - AU
Axiom1878 - 2
Firestick1871 -
() -
Theorem1870 - 2
King Alfred1851 - 11
Pyrrhus I (1843) - 3
Blue Light (1843) - 11
The Proposition1861 - 2
Colsterdale (1848) - 18
Algebra (1852) - 2
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