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Mujadil1988 - 1
Storm Bird1978 - 4
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
South Ocean1967 - 4
New Providence (1956) - 9
Shining Sun (1962) - 4
Vallee Secrete1977 - 1
Secretariat1970 - 2
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Somethingroyal (1952) - 2
Midou1970 - 1
Saint Crespin (1956) - 22
Midget (1953) - 1
Funny Choice1990 - 6
Commanche Run1981 - 16
Run The Gantlet1968 - 5
Tom Rolfe (1962) - 9
First Feather (1963) - 5
Volley1965 - 16
Ratification (1953) - 1
Mitrailleuse (1944) - 16
Best Of Fun1983 - 6
Blakeney1966 - 20
Hethersett (1959) - 21
Windmill Girl (1961) - 20
Topping Girl1972 - 6
Sea Hawk II (1963) - 3
Round Eye (1967) - 6
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