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Epaulette2009 - 7
Commands1996 - 9
Danehill1986 - 2
Danzig (1977) - 7
Razyana (1981) - 2
Cotehele House1980 - 9
My Swanee (1963) - 8
Eight Carat (1975) - 9
Accessories2003 - 7
Singspiel1992 - 12
In The Wings (1986) - 9
Glorious Song (1976) - 12
Anna Matrushka1984 - 7
Mill Reef (1968) - 22
Anna Paola (1978) - 7
Firecrest1997 - 19
Darshaan1981 - 13
Shirley Heights1975 - 1
Hardiemma (1969) - 1
Delsy1972 - 13
Abdos (1959) - 1
Kelty (1965) - 13
Trefoil1985 - 19
Blakeney1966 - 20
Hethersett (1959) - 21
Windmill Girl (1961) - 20
First Bloom1969 - 19
Primera (1954) - 4
Flower Dance (1963) - 19
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