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Comeram1973 - 9
Amber Rama1967 - 1
Jaipur1959 - 8
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Rare Perfume (1947) - 8
Pink Silk1957 - 1
Spy Song (1943) - 2
Bayrose (1949) - 1
Comely1966 - 9
Boran1960 - 9
Mourne (1954) - 9
Bethora (1951) - 9
Princesse Commene1961 - 9
Beau Prince II (1952) - 1
Commemoration (1953) - 9
Veuve Doree1973 - 13
Aureole1950 - 2
Hyperion1930 - 6
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Selene (1919) - 6
Angelola1945 - 2
Donatello II (1934) - 14
Feola (1933) - 2
Widow Parr1966 - 13
Royal Record1958 - 1
Belle Histoire (1945) - 1
Agin The Law1946 - 13
Portlaw (1928) - 8
Revolte (1933) - 13
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