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Bunyan1904 - 14
Pilgrim's Progress1889 - 1
Isonomy1875 - 19
Sterling (1868) - 12
Isola Bella (1868) - 19
Pilgrimage1875 - 1
The Palmer (1864) - 5
Lady Audley (1867) - 1
Neva1895 - 14
Stepniak1889 - 5
Nordenfeldt (1882) - 13
Steppe (1868) - 5
Whirlpool1891 - 14
St George (1876) - 8
Watersprite (1874) - 14
Miss Dix1903 - 12
Phoebus Apollo1893 - 4
St Simon1881 - 11
Galopin (1872) - 3
St Angela (1865) - 11
Polynesia1885 - 4
Barcaldine (1878) - 23
Polly Perkins (1874) - 4
Abydos1890 - 12
Nelson1880 - 5
King Cole (1867) - 19
My Idea (1872) - 5
Memphis1879 - 12
Gang Forward (1870) - 2
Palmyra (1866) - 12
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