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King Lear1863 - A18
Lexington1850 - 12
Boston1833 - 40
Timoleon (1814) - A24
Florizel Mare (1814) - 40
Alice Carneal1836 - 12
Sarpedon (1828) - 13
Rowena (1826) - 12
Tokay1851 - A18
Yorkshire1834 - 2
St Nicholas (1827) - 6
Miss Rose (1826) - 2
Miss Martin1840 - A18
Garrison's Zinganee (1828) -
Gabriella (1826) - A18
Lax1865 - 12
Scythian1851 - 1
Orlando1841 - 13
Touchstone (1831) - 14
Vulture (1833) - 13
Scythia1846 - 1
Hetman Platoff (1836) - 2
The Princess (1841) - 1
Lavender1855 - 12
Wagner1834 - A1
Sir Charles (1816) - 19
Maria West (1827) - A1
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