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Free State1973 - 31
Hotfoot1966 - 1
Firestreak1956 - 2
Pardal (1947) - 1
Hot Spell (1944) - 2
Pitter Patter1953 - 1
Kingstone (1942) - 2
Rain (1946) - 1
Born Free1960 - 31
Alycidon1945 - 1
Donatello II (1934) - 14
Aurora (1936) - 1
Queen Of Sheba1948 - 31
Persian Gulf (1940) - 2
Ojala (1928) - 31
Avahra1972 - 3
Sahib1966 - 10
Sir Gaylord1959 - 2
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Somethingroyal (1952) - 2
Hide Out1953 - 10
Spy Song (1943) - 2
Leslie Grey (1942) - 10
Sabot D'Or1957 - 3
Princely Gift1951 - 13
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Blue Gem (1943) - 13
Amber Slipper1949 - 3
His Slipper (1943) - 5
Coramere (1943) - 3
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