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Honour And Glory1993 - 16
Relaunch1976 - 3
In Reality1964 - 21
Intentionally (1956) - 5
My Dear Girl (1957) - 21
Foggy Note1965 - 3
The Axe II (1958) - 1
Silver Song (1957) - 3
Fair To All1986 - 16
Al Nasr1978 - 4
Lyphard (1969) - 17
Caretta (1973) - 4
Gonfalon1975 - 16
Francis S (1957) - 1
Grand Splendor (1962) - 16
Keep Me Safe1995 - 4
Horatius1975 - 13
Proudest Roman1968 - 20
Never Bend (1960) - 19
Roman Song (1955) - 20
True Charm1966 - 13
Cohoes (1954) - 1
Majesta (1960) - 13
Safe Salute1985 - 4
Hail Emperor1978 - 23
Graustark (1963) - 4
Queen Empress (1962) - 23
Safely Home1973 - 4
Winning Hit (1968) - 1
Arc Lamp (1960) - 4
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