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Sea Cottage1962 - 5
Fairthorn1942 - 8
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Lady Juror (1919) - 9
Parity1933 - 8
Blandford (1919) - 3
Paritat (1918) - 8
Maritime1951 - 5
Merchant Navy1940 - 3
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Rose Of England (1927) - 3
Tradition1943 - 5
Asbestos II (1932) - 2
Drohsky (1929) - 5
Chattel1959 - 10
Black Cap1946 - 19
Denturius1937 - 5
Gold Bridge (1929) - 22
La Solfatara (1924) - 5
Justitia1935 - 19
Birthright (1924) - 3
Jury (1929) - 19
Heirloom1945 - 10
Noble Son1930 - 10
Transcendent (1921) - 2
Per Mare (1911) - 10
Tiara1933 - 10
Kantar (1925) - 3
Sparkling Gem (1922) - 10
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