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Grand Dreams1984 - 2
Grand Chaudiere1968 - 19
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Lachine1960 - 19
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Loved One (1947) - 19
Happy Dreams1970 - 2
Red Gauntlet1957 - 1
Nearula (1950) - 1
Red Shoes (1948) - 1
Lochloe1960 - 2
Balloch (1939) - 3
Aloe (1951) - 2
Camahita1979 - 3
Camahuge1972 - 2
Hail To Success1966 - 8
Swaps (1952) - A4
Success (1962) - 8
Smart Eyes1967 - 2
Smokey Eyes (1947) - 13
New Venn (1955) - 2
Annasfree1973 - 3
Free Style1961 - 1
Democratic (1952) - 3
Easel (1955) - 1
Anahita1960 - 3
Persian Book (1943) - 8
Royal Nymph (1951) - 3
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