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Letallon1978 - 7
Passetreul1968 - 16
Ruantallan1961 - 1
Ribot (1952) - 4
Tarbert Bay (1954) - 1
Lekas1963 - 16
Wilkes (1952) - 13
Janeo (1945) - 16
Temple Rule1964 - 7
Ruler1959 - 8
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Doubledogdare (1953) - 8
Contemplate1953 - 7
Delville Wood (1942) - 2
Meditation (1945) - 7
Shasharee1968 - 10
Fenwick1962 - 13
Vilmorin1943 - 7
Gold Bridge (1929) - 22
Queen Of The Meadows (1938) - 7
Heliographic1949 - 13
Coup De Lyon (1930) - 4
Message (1944) - 13
Sunny Lois1949 - 10
Law Maker1931 - 1
Phalaris (1913) - 1
Book Law (1924) - 1
Lois1942 - 10
Genetout (1933) - 8
Sunny Sky (1928) - 10
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