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Great Notion2000 - 19
Elusive Quality1993 - 13
Gone West1984 - 2
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Secrettame (1978) - 2
Touch Of Greatness1986 - 13
Hero's Honor (1980) - 1
Ivory Wand (1973) - 13
Evening Primrose1994 - 19
Dayjur1987 - 1
Danzig (1977) - 7
Gold Beauty (1979) - 1
Water Lily1976 - 19
Riverman (1969) - 10
First Bloom (1969) - 19
After All2006 - 4
Olmodavor1999 - 9
A P Indy1989 - 3
Seattle Slew (1974) - 13
Weekend Surprise (1980) - 3
Corrazona1990 - 9
El Gran Senor (1981) - 8
Heartbreak (1981) - 9
Citi Sounds1993 - 4
Citidancer1987 - A1
Dixieland Band (1980) - 4
Willamae (1980) - A1
Bal Du Bois1984 - 4
Balzac (1975) - 2
Lisa Hackett (1974) - 4
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