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Literato2004 - 16
Kendor1986 - 4
Kenmare1975 - 1
Kalamoun (1970) - 9
Belle Of Ireland (1964) - 1
Belle Mecene1982 - 4
Gay Mecene (1975) - 3
Djaka Belle (1975) - 4
La Cibeles1997 - 16
Cardoun1989 - 2
Kaldoun (1975) - 12
Cable Car (1984) - 2
Douberta1989 - 16
Don Roberto (1977) - 1
Dourenne (1980) - 16
Saga D'Ouilly1999 - 11
Linamix1987 - 6
Mendez1981 - 23
Bellypha (1976) - 16
Miss Carina (1975) - 23
Lunadix1972 - 6
Breton (1967) - 4
Lutine (1966) - 6
Saganeca1988 - 11
Sagace1980 - 16
Luthier (1965) - 14
Seneca (1973) - 16
Haglette1978 - 11
Hagley (1967) - 17
Sucrette (1958) - 11
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