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Mythical King1969 - 9
Graustark1963 - 4
Ribot1952 - 4
Tenerani (1944) - 6
Romanella (1943) - 4
Flower Bowl1952 - 4
Alibhai (1938) - 6
Flower Bed (1946) - 4
Farce1957 - 9
Tom Fool1949 - 3
Menow (1935) - 8
Gaga (1942) - 3
Whirla Lea1949 - 9
Whirlaway (1938) - 8
Ore-The-Lea (1942) - 9
Sala1964 - 5
Talismano1953 - 1
Star Of Gujrath1945 - 14
Nearco (1935) - 4
Eleanor Cross (1939) - 14
Tamerice1940 - 1
El Greco (1934) - 14
Tucana (1935) - 1
Conduct1952 - 5
Broiefort1933 - 2
Blandford (1919) - 3
Innoxa (1926) - 2
Good Conduct1932 - 5
Grand Knight (1921) - 5
Civilisation (1912) - 5
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