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Maskelyne1878 - 9
Albert Victor1868 - 13
Marsyas1851 - 12
Orlando (1841) - 13
Malibran (1830) - 12
The Princess Of Wales1862 - 13
Stockwell (1849) - 3
The Bloomer (1850) - 13
Palmistry1873 - 9
The Palmer1864 - 5
Beadsman (1855) - 13
Madame Eglentine (1857) - 5
Schechallion1867 - 9
Blair Athol (1861) - 10
Lady Tatton (1852) - 9
Hollandaise1875 - 7
Dutch Skater1866 - 5
The Flying Dutchman1846 - 3
Bay Middleton (1833) - 1
Barbelle (1836) - 3
Fulvie1856 - 5
Gladiator (1833) - 22
Boutique (1848) - 5
Feu De Joie1859 - 7
Longbow1849 - 21
Ithuriel (1841) - 2
Miss Bowe (1834) - 21
Jeu D'Esprit1852 - 7-d
Flatcatcher (1845) - 3
Extempore (1840) - 7
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