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Talisman II1955 - 1
Supreme Court1948 - 14
Precipitation1933 - 2
Hurry On (1913) - 2
Double Life (1926) - 2
Forecourt1943 - 14
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Overture (1937) - 14
Samovar1940 - 1
Caerleon1927 - 3
Phalaris (1913) - 1
Canyon (1913) - 3
Carolina1929 - 1
Embargo (1923) - 15
Georgia (1915) - 1
Smoke Dream1955 - NZ
Smokey Eyes1947 - 13
Stardust1937 - 16
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Sister Stella (1923) - 16
Celestial Light1940 - 13
Donatello II (1934) - 14
Gleam (1926) - 13
Dream Rocks1943 - NZ
Golden Sovereign1935 - 4
Monarch (1918) - 1
Fleche D'Or (1926) - 4
Glen Maggie1932 - NZ
Magpie (1914) - 1
Queen Of The Sea (1918) - NZ
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