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Atilla1961 - 1
Alcide1955 - 2
Alycidon1945 - 1
Donatello II (1934) - 14
Aurora (1936) - 1
Chenille1940 - 2
King Salmon (1930) - 1
Sweet Aloe (1935) - 2
Festoon1951 - 1
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Lady Juror (1919) - 9
Monsoon1941 - 1
Umidwar (1931) - 3
Heavenly Wind (1937) - 1
Sunny Kildare1953 - 24
Pride Of Kildare1948 - 10
Royal Charger1942 - 9
Nearco (1935) - 4
Sun Princess (1937) - 9
Gainsborough Lass1934 - 10
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Golden Hair (1920) - 10
Seaport1946 - 24
Gold Nib1939 - 14
Dastur (1929) - 16
Gold Race (1930) - 14
Leith1931 - 24
Arausio (1921) - 9
Shirley (1922) - 24
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