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Palestine1947 - 3
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway1925 - 13
Phalaris (1913) - 1
Scapa Flow (1914) - 13
Lady Juror1919 - 9
Son-In-Law (1911) - 5
Lady Josephine (1912) - 9
Una1930 - 3
Tetratema1917 - 14
The Tetrarch (1911) - 2
Scotch Gift (1907) - 14
Uganda1921 - 3
Bridaine (1914) - 7
Hush (1911) - 3
Stellar Role1943 - 1
Bimelech1937 - 1
Black Toney1911 - 10
Peter Pan (1904) - 2
Belgravia (1903) - 10
La Troienne1926 - 1
Teddy (1913) - 2
Helene De Troie (1916) - 1
Astralobe1929 - 1
Sir Gallahad III1920 - 16
Plucky Liege (1912) - 16
Etoile Filante1918 - 1
Fair Play (1905) - 9
Chit Chat (1913) - 1
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