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Snippets1984 - 20
Lunchtime1970 - 7
Silly Season1962 - 1
Tom Fool (1949) - 3
Double Deal II (1946) - 1
Great Occasion1965 - 7
Hornbeam (1953) - 1
Golden Wedding (1959) - 7
Easy Date1977 - 20
Grand Chaudiere1968 - 19
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Lachine (1960) - 19
Scampering1970 - 20
Misty Day (1958) - 5
Scamper Away (1966) - 20
Jewel Of Oakbank1991 - 5
Alzao1980 - 9
Lyphard1969 - 17
Goofed (1960) - 17
Lady Rebecca1971 - 9
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Pocahontas (1955) - 9
Exclusive Heiress1981 - 5
Vain1966 - A10
Wilkes (1952) - 13
Elated (1957) - A10
Examount1972 - 5
Exbury (1959) - 2
Riches (1962) - 5
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