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Sovereign Filou1979 - 8
Sovereign Edition1962 - 13
Sovereign Path1956 - 4
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Mountain Path (1948) - 4
Latest Edition1951 - 13
Solferino (1940) - 19
Celestial Light (1940) - 13
Karda Filou1969 - 8
Minuit1957 - 4
Palestine (1947) - 3
Nikellora (1942) - 4
Lochiel's Fancy1954 - 8
Le Filou (1946) - 16
Tudor Girl (1945) - 8
Rebel's Lass1979 -
John Splendid1967 - 2
Sing Sing1957 - 13
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Agin The Law (1946) - 13
Rosie Wings1957 - 2
Telegram (1947) - 5
Wynway (1947) - 2
Rebel Air1966 -
Renegade1956 - 12
Court Martial (1942) - 1
Alkapuri (1946) - 12
Persian Air1956 -
() -
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