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Demus1977 - 11
Red God1967 - 2
Star Kingdom1946 - 1
Stardust (1937) - 16
Impromptu (1939) - 1
Finders Keepers1962 - 2
Red Gauntlet (1957) - 1
Weeping Willow (1953) - 2
Romantic Gem1969 - 11
Romantic1960 - 14
Princely Gift (1951) - 13
Big Romance (1946) - 14
Moreska1962 - 11
Le Filou (1946) - 16
Saratu (1947) - 11
Spring Pleasure1981 - 26
Egmont1974 - 3
Petingo1965 - 22
Petition (1944) - 16
Alcazar (1957) - 22
New Lede1961 - 3
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Obedient (1945) - 3
Rustle Of Spring1970 - 26
Village Square1963 - 13
Sir Gaylord (1959) - 2
Two Cities (1948) - 13
Woodland Whisper1957 - 26
Delville Wood (1942) - 2
Glamour Moon (1950) - 26
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