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Green Dancer1972 - 16
Nijinsky II1967 - 8
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Flaming Page1959 - 8
Bull Page (1947) - 4
Flaring Top (1947) - 8
Green Valley1967 - 16
Val De Loir1959 - 5
Vieux Manoir (1947) - 10
Vali (1954) - 5
Sly Pola1957 - 16
Spy Song (1943) - 2
Ampola (1949) - 16
When And If1974 - 9
Dr Fager1964 - 1
Rough 'N Tumble1948 - 1
Free For All (1942) - 1
Roused (1943) - 1
Aspidistra1954 - 1
Better Self (1945) - 20
Tilly Rose (1948) - 1
She's Very Ultra1964 - 9
Olympia1946 - 4
Heliopolis (1936) - 8
Miss Dolphin (1934) - 4
Sweet Woman1944 - 9
Roman (1937) - 20
Bramble Bug (1939) - 9
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