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Monde Bleu1988 - 4
Last Tycoon1983 - 8
Try My Best1975 - 8
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Sex Appeal (1970) - 8
Mill Princess1977 - 8
Mill Reef (1968) - 22
Irish Lass (1962) - 8
Make Plans1971 - 4
Go Marching1965 - 16
Princequillo (1940) - 1
Leallah (1954) - 16
Sister Antoine1957 - 4
Royal Serenade (1948) - 10
Our Patrice (1947) - 4
Pure And Holy1987 - 14
Amen Brother1976 - 8
Marshua's Dancer1968 - 16
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Marshua (1962) - 16
Tidings Of Joy1969 - 8
Post Card (1947) - 25
Joy Of India (1963) - 8
Puralea1975 - 14
Sovereign Plea1967 - 3
Sovereign Path (1956) - 4
Catherine's Plea (1962) - 3
Pura Bronze1966 - 14
Makarpura (1946) - 22
Fairicia (1952) - 14
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