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Rant And Rave1982 - 22
Picture Show1974 - 9
Exclusive Native1965 - 10
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Exclusive (1953) - 10
Bambola1958 - 9
Botticelli (1951) - 22
Mamounia (1953) - 9
My Fantasy1972 - 22
Ribollire1965 - 2
Ribot (1952) - 4
Sigyn (1957) - 2
Our Love Story1968 - 22
Billum (1956) - 7
Euphemia (1963) - 22
Steel Filou1975 - 7
Steel Pulse1969 - 1
Diatome1962 - 12
Sicambre (1948) - 7
Dictaway (1952) - 12
Rachel1958 - 1
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Par Avion (1948) - 1
Doubt1964 - 7
Le Filou1946 - 16
Vatellor (1933) - 12
Fileuse (1941) - 16
Glayva1950 - 7
Cassock (1943) - 12
Lady Advocate (1938) - 7
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