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Deputy Minister1979 - 10
Vice Regent1967 - 10
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Victoria Regina1958 - 10
Menetrier (1944) - 15
Victoriana (1952) - 10
Mint Copy1970 - 10
Bunty's Flight1953 - 19
Bunty Lawless (1935) - 23
Broomflight (1947) - 19
Shakney1964 - 10
Jabneh (1952) - 2
Grass Shack (1951) - 10
Symbolically1983 - 15
Flying Paster1976 - 22
Gummo1962 - 11
Fleet Nasrullah (1955) - 23
Alabama Gal (1957) - 11
Procne1969 - 22
Acroterion (1962) - 24
Philomela (1954) - 22
Hail To The Queen1977 - 15
Native Royalty1967 - 4
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Queen Nasra (1952) - 4
Instinctively1969 - 15
Francis S (1957) - 1
Cargreen (1958) - 15
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