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Noactor1989 - 8
Theatrical1982 - 3
Nureyev1977 - 5
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Special (1969) - 5
Tree Of Knowledge1977 - 3
Sassafras (1967) - 8
Sensibility (1971) - 3
Hush Dear1978 - 8
Silent Screen1967 - 9
Prince John (1953) - 14
Prayer Bell (1954) - 9
You All1968 - 8
Nashua (1952) - 3
Honey Dear (1958) - 8
Foolish Clover1980 - 1
Foolish Pleasure1972 - 14
What A Pleasure1965 - 5
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Grey Flight (1945) - 5
Fool-Me-Not1958 - 14
Tom Fool (1949) - 3
Cuadrilla (1943) - 14
Forli Clover1974 - 1
Forli1963 - 3
Aristophanes (1948) - 9
Trevisa (1951) - 3
Candy's Best1969 - 1
Candy Spots (1960) - 2
Ellerslie (1954) - 1
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